Tuesday, June 2, 2015

...Pants on Fire

Very short post today. especially following up the last post.

Many members of the VS community seem to misunderstand this permeating sense of entitlement that many older players feel. Recently, I've heard things like:

"It isn't like Upper Deck owes its old players anything."
"VS is back but with changes! What's the big deal?"
"Where did you even get the idea that they wouldn't make any changes to the game? Get over it!"

It seems to have caused a divide between two schools of thought:
1- Wait, this isn't the game we know and love, WTF!
2- Oh cool a new game to play! Those other guys can get over it

Instead of trying to write my feelings, I'll just let the original 2014 gencon clip address the source of the divide many of you out there may not even be aware of. (feel free to watch the entire interview from the start, as it also adresses things like how the Gencon release was specifically a market test before deciding if UD would commit to the project.)

(Alas, the salty sting of broken promises hurts.

You lied to me, Upper Deck. And that's not cool. You promised the game we love and gave us something completely different, and that is a dick move. Hope this shines some light on those that are wondering "whats the big deal anyway?".