Wednesday, June 23, 2021

VS Remix: Under the Hood - Forever Evil Edition

 By this point, the hype train is real.

 And I am pleased at the well met reception we've seen so far. So instead of a formal preview I thought i'd take a brief moment and go over the design philosophy of one of my favorite branches of the Remix project:

Secret Society.

Pissing off the JLA since 1977

Historically, Secret Society have featured a large number of ne'er-do-wells as they attempt to subvert the superheroic population of the world in a variety of schemes. Some amazing schemes, 

Their first incarnation was actually a function of Darkseid, (going by the title "The Director") collecting some of the worlds elite villians in a bid to steal a big ole pile of the worlds deadliest nerve gas. This roster included the likes of Captain Cold, Gorilla Grodd, Clayface, Star Sapphire, and what list is complete without a Manhunter clone.

Unfortunately, even these villains got wise to Darkseid's plan to enslave all humans and decided they should create some sort of Secret Society to work against him. Rebelling and foiling the nefarious plot.

Mirror Master, Copperhead, Sinestro, Shadow Thief and the Wizard. Were soon added to the roster under the heroic tutelage of Captain Comet, but over the years we've seen varying incarnations of the squad as later on, Lex joins their ranks, along with Black Manta, Riddler, and many others.

How things change.

So when looking at repackaging a remix of  what is widely considered one of the most unique and fun villainous deck themed teams, choosing the roster was a concern. Ultimately we focused on a heavily DCL themed approach for legacy content. grabbing from Charaxes utility, Chemo and Poison Ivy was always a mainstay combo. So we weren't looking to completely rework the team by any stretch, but there was definately an underlying desire to focus on some new legend content.

Choosing Legends of course, became a bit of an issue. Where to start? Who is a big enough baddie to really rep the squad thematically?

We knew we wanted two main legends, and perhaps a semi-legend nod tucked in there too, but I was hesitant to go with Gorilla Grodd right out of the gate.

A friend, knowing I am a pretty big Lex fanboy, Asked, "Well why not Lex?" In the past Lex was a mainstay of the Revenge Squad, And a main focus on the Injustice gang as well, so adding a draw theme felt, forced. He wasn't going to work, he wasn't the type that did much other than draw cards right?

I dug deep into some Lex Lore, and found my way to Forever Evil. And I was instantly hooked.

Porn. Straight-up.
Geoff Jones and David Finch doing friggin GOD's work. Forever Evil was the new 52's first real encompassing story arc. And the reader's digest version, is Earth 0's heroes from 3 major teams are incapacitated and otherwise, believed to be dead in a massive invasion coup from Earth 3's Crime Syndicate.

With only Batman and Catwoman functioning as the only remaining surviving members of the JLA, the world quickly succumbs to the Kryptonite-powder-sniffing Ultraman, and the rest of the crime syndicate rather handily. In apparent victory, the Syndicate broadcasts proof of defeat of Superman, Wonder Woman and Aquaman to the world from the ruins of JLA's headquarters. Oh snap.

Enter, Lex Luthor, one brilliant every-man that knows it is time for some shit to go down.

Lex heads into the bowels of Lexcorp and releases Project B-Zero, here, we see the new 52's take on the first ever attempt to clone a Kryptonian, The childlike mind of B-Zero is rudimentary at best, misunderstanding it's own name as Bizarro, rather than B-Zero, the monicker sticks. But Bizarro's power is undeniable. Even better, it's childlike willingness to obey was instant. The "Injustice League" now had it's beginnings. Adding Black Manta, Captain Cold, Black Adam, Sinestro and others to flesh out its ranks.
Lex now had his very own squad to wreak sweet revenge upon the invaders with an er... extreme and visceral prejuduce.

And I had the inspiration for my two Legends.

Lex Luthor of Earth-0. Leader of the Injustice League, Savior of Earth, Liberator of Apokolipse and true successor to Superman. No Big deal really.

And behind him, project B-Zero himself. The most loyal evil puppy you've ever seen.

Lex's theme is general utility. And he gets it in spades.

Lex Luthor

The sub-theme of Remix's Secret Society is, of course, The new 52's IN-Justice League. As the final bastion against earth 3's invading forces, It's up to these unorthodox and lethal protectors(?) of earth to secure mankind... So THEY can better rule it of course.

As such Lex's 3 drop incarnation shows high utility while keeping to Secret Society's legacy of throwing everything into your KO'd pile. As a bonus, Lex also fetches equipment which is very useful considering his prize for liberating Apokalips is a freakin Mother box of his own!

The 6, enjoys some sub-par stats considering they represent Lex at the absolute height of his achievements in the new 52. Seated on Darkseid's throne as the "real" superman and an official member of the Justice League. (I shit you not!)
The reasoning on those lower stats is clear as we delve deeper into his effect text and support. Got at least 2 adjacent characters? Dig and draw good sir!

Mother Box. Epitome of utility. Tool commissioned by the gods themselves.
Also, Property of Lex Luthor.

Remember it is target PLAYER for the replacing, not target resource. so he won't snipe key locations unless an opponent wants to, however, he can still use this disruption to fantastic effect in a pinch. Even on yourself! Its clutch targeted recovery or KO is just a massive board threat, most opponents will feel pressure to answer The KO control potential with swift action. But specifically, it is the recovery effect that comes in pretty handy when used in tandem with Flawless Strategy. 
Flawless Strategy embodies the thematic support of the original Secret Society's 5 drop Lex, Stunning a ready ally for those sweet, sweet +1/+1 counters. So you can stun a 4, on a defensive turn 4, to get Lex's 3 cost incarnation to a solid 8/9 then recover the 4 with Mother box! Brutal!

Obviously a strategy like this is going to dislike Equipment Hate like the previously spoiled Catastrophic Failure, a spiritual successor to Hellboy Essential Collection's A Proud Zinco Product. Or batman sporting a From the Darkness to wreck your day AFTER you've paid the stun cost. (OUCH!) 
Due to Flawless Strategy, we also see why lex's 6 cost is understatted. Since it enables a pretty clean flex into potential 7 drop statlines with some foresight, (Or at least a reasonable one thanks to a free Charaxes!) and of course endurance becomes a factor if we opt for this high-risk, high reward endurance harming approach!

This brings us to our second Legend.

Subject B-Zero himself. Or, as he understands it:


It was an obvious sub-theme that Bizarro would constantly check and contribute to Lex Luthor and his antics, while also carrying a unique aspect into Secret Society that we hadn't seen until this point. A bruiser in the truest sense of the word, Bizarro's 4 cost, never makes direct swings, but enjoys quite a substantial power increase while Lex is in play for, shall we say, "proper" instruction. While his 7, is actually able to play split duty, as a solid defensive option, and a spiritual successor to Mark Desmond, Blockbuster on offensive turns (provided he is protecting Lex).

And did I mention his reverse superman abilities ROCK? Heat breath? Glorious. Functioning as a solid generic Secret Society support combat piece, it offers reasonable ATK or DEF depending on your needs. Bizarro Himself of course, enjoys both options for a really solid combat buff on either side of the initiative.

As a really fun nod, I just want to toss in a cult fave for some time now.

Captain Cold. With only 1 character and one nod in a support piece I'd call this a mini legend. One of the goals of remix was to standardize some legend support to areas where they have a general use but a profoundly better use if applied to that particular legend. Captain Cold is a great example of this.

His main features and theme tie into the Forever Evil Arkham portion of the comic run and the art aims to reflect this. he clearly steals Deadshot's old roster spot, and suffers a bit of a nerf on his effect while enjoying realistic DEF values for a 2 cost character. Deadshot always felt over-tuned to many and we feel we've fairly adjusted for that here. And yes, it is a purposeful step, adding Rogues as his second affiliation. However, he gets his chance to shine when paired with Unnatural Selections new variant.

The KO and mill we've grown to love, paired with a free ready if Captain Cold does the deed himself! Not a bad way to keep legacy support fresh.

But the captain Cold love doesn't stop there. We might not have been able to justify him as a major theme, but his art sure is present! Everyone Loves Captain Cold!

That's just about going to do it for today! I hope everyone is as excited as I am to throw down some Remix games on OCTGN, and further explore the new interactions to be found!

Until next time, remember, sometimes the worlds greatest heroes, are some assholes banded together with questionable morals.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

VS Remix Preview #3! Preview MEGAMIX!

 I had some hardware issues this week forcing a delay on what should have been a midweek preview. So to show my sincerest apologies, Please accept this MEGA PREVIEW instead!

The X-Men

 The swarm theme for X-men was historically supported by their focused searcher, however in their essential collection incarnation they get some new help in this regard. 

The Brotherhood of Mutants

was historically a two-fold focus, a curve list taking advantage of Lost City, and a rush theme focused on New Brotherhood. Here we see some restraint applied to some of their more popular support, while allowing some new options!

As an added bonus!


Heavily reworked from the ground up! They are going to be formidable with their new toys!

Hopefully this gives you all something to talk about and get hyped for! But do not fear! There is more to show off  before we go live on the 26th!

Until next time!

Friday, June 11, 2021

VS Remix: Carl Perlas' Preview #2!

By Carl Perlas 

In a year where it felt like hobbies took center stage, VS experienced a renaissance. The Facebook VS Community Group experienced daily activity of discussion, trading, buying and selling at a scale not seen in close to a decade. To continue down this new found revitalization I wanted to thank Aaron Mead, Nick Fletcher and every body involved with bringing VS Remix to the loyal masses.

From the information released, the Remix set looks to be about 320 cards with 75% of the cards being reprints with some revisions from previous sets. The remaining 25% look to add additional Legend support while providing the teams with new versions of Hero’s and Villains to round out the set. In essence this is Marvel/DC Legends 2.0 and man oh man, right of the tails of the Doom Vs Darkseid hype train, it feels like perfect timing if you ask this content starved VS enthusiast.

It feels like 2007 all over again with new set card release spoilers that brings a smile to this old VS gamer. I cannot wait to see what is in store for my favorite team, Brotherhood. With the crutch of Lost City and The Next Brotherhood dominating the Golden Age format for so long I feel that these two cards will be balanced to give other strategies a chance to shine. With the success of the Disney+ Series WandaVision, I expected to see our favorite “Mutant” Witch spread her Chaos Magic! 

Originally released in the MOR set, Scarlet Witch Wanda Maximoff, is a 9/10 5 drop that would punish opponents for using activated powers. She was a sold 5 drop but was outclassed over time with close to 20 VS sets being released. Remix has added a balanced “control” card for Brotherhood, though...


No More Mutants. This Scarlet Witch Legend Plot Twist, “Characters lose and cannot gain flight, powers and keywords during the combat phase this turn.” Basically an amped up team stamped Lex Luthor (editor's note: Mr. Sinister!) for the combat phase which definitely serves Brotherhood which relies more on brute force rather than mitigation. This will shore up their arsenal as they branch off the newer strategies that Remix provides.


Another Brotherhood card joining the fray is Scarlet Witch, Twin Sister, a 1 drop 1/1 that “when she enters play you look at the top 3 cards of your deck, put one into your hand, and the rest on the bottom of your deck”. An excellent filter card to keep your hand full for aggro rush style decks, or it adversely, can be used in combo decks to filter through your deck and get around good ol’ Caliban Pestilence *purely hypothetical!* since you are not actually drawing the card. Here 1/1 stats don’t look intimidating but with all the ways brotherhood is able to pump up their cards I am sure she will find a home in a multitude of decks.

Just thinking about new cards again after all these years has me fully on board the hype Train. Again thanks to Aaron and the team for all their efforts to bring us filthy casuals the content we so longed for. Now the agonizing wait until June 26, 2021!!


Sunday, June 6, 2021

VS Remix FAQ and Preview #1!


This years pet project has not only FLOWN by, but we are ahead of schedule for the upcoming new team injections as well!

It's been a ride!

Many of you have already seen our teaser announcing the new OCTGN compilation of VS! If not, here it is!

 Now obviously this leaves many people with quite a few questions. So please allow me a moment to answer some of the more common ones I am hearing here:

Can I buy physical cards from you?
-Not at this time. this project is focused on digital content only. IF players wish to print cards, we will keep image files on hand that players can obtain, but it will be YOUR resources to do so. A major help in avoiding things like "Cease and Desist" orders from those that DO own these IP's is going the extra mile to ensure this project is not a revenue stream of any kind. For now at least.

Is this a custom set?
-Remix truly is the best means to define this project. it consists of approximately 75% reprinted content. meaning most of the cards you love remain the same or similar enough to keep the nostalgic feel of the VS game you grew to love. Some were changed much more than others (coughavengerscough) as we made this original release batch purposefully avoiding including too many keywords. Expect to see most return later though!

Can I play this with original content?
-Sure, but technically, you already are! The main reason we opted to alienate the OCTGN platform for Remix from the original is to bring a newfound focus on upcoming new content! being a primarily digital project, this also allows us the ability to never need a banlist. We can simply adjust the digital files internally to avoid problematic interactions! Rest assured, we do not take this option lightly and you can expect these kinds of changes to only take place alongside a quarterly release.

How can I help? 
-There are a few major areas we still would love help with! We can always use more testers, and specifically, we'd love to track down someone proficient in Java to help us set up auto-installation and update options through OCTGN's platform directly without needing to download external content at all! Wouldn't that rock? It also goes without saying that running events, and paying for hosting has a small cost. those wishing to support us financially can now do so through the new VS System Collective Patreon!

So with that, lets walk through what you can expect to see on the 26th and beyond!

10 featured teams:
No Unaffiliated cards
New Content Injections Every Quarter!
New IP Content!
The Hellboy Essential Collection: (BPRD + Thule Society)

Purely reprinted, a true classic! expect to see consistency brought to bear in the 
removal of evasion and reservist keywords here though.


You can expect to see that thing X-Men players have wanted since the dawn of time: A fantastic searcher! no really though! It is amazing! Standard recovery tricks make themselves apparent with a functional reprint of X-men assemble to further flesh out both swarm and curve options!

The definitive power team. Lost city abuses with Avalon made them a powerhouse for as long as "Golden Age Format" was an option. Adversely an overstatted early game got legs on the back of TNB for fast finishes in the midgame. While the concepts and themes haven't changed, some legacy items were nerfed, while others might be strictly better than before. Also... no reservists. (yet at least)

Gotham Knights

Of course Fat Bat is back! The OG. Some new content focuses on characters with the identity <> Robin rather than straight reprinted content, but it is going to feel like home for many. Oh yeah. you're welcome for the new Barbara.

Arkham Inmates

If it ant broke, don't fix it. Turn em sideways and KO things. Going strong! Watch out for crowbars! They may have one of the best team-up options in the game so far!


By far and away the most reworked re-tuned and customized team here. Wanting to stick to traditional keywords only for this release forced us to drop reservist strategies as well as leader and rally. This resulted in a from the ground-up approach focusing on team attacking that may remind you of a different golden age team entirely while staying true to a legitimate theme originally displayed.

Masters of Evil

Like Avengers, another team with a large portion of original content. Historically Masters of Evil only saw success crossing over with other teams like Thunderbolts thanks to their dedicated swarm focus. While not seeking to alienate their swarm options, our focus was a solid playable curve option and some really funky Loki stuff!


Virtually unchanged, The JLA essential focus was the DCL content that many players still have never piloted. With a few light playability options and some more friendly legend pieces this smacks of nostalgia while taking wins. Much effort was given towards giving each member of the core 7 some new content or legend support.

Secret Society

No need to change what works, expect much of the new content here to focus on Lex and Bizarro legends with a nod to Captain Cold too, making for some really unique board set-ups. Don't worry. Chemo and Riddler are back with the Ivy 3 drop.

Functional reprints abound! Expect to see some familiar content and be prepared for 
some great new stuff too!