Now to try to make this list a bit more concrete, I used a rating system based around scores in several categories. Each of 9 categories could score as low as -5 or as high as +5 depending on relevance. while certain static components were counted in single point increments. (flight and range are each worth 1 point, for example)
Even keywords were rated, some going as low as -2 (Dual Loyalty) and others as high as +2 (Evasion). Remember, every card is playable, guys. But this list certainly will point out some of the suckiest ones to see ink.
For reference, using my chart, my hypothetical WORST POSSIBLE card ever printed (that technically has a function) would score in at a -50 and would look something like this, and of course... it's of Robin:
![]() |
I left Marvel as the logo because, who cares about Dick. |
Hopefully that gives you a bit of insight into my methods. Keep in mind a card with a score of "0" would be considered perfectly mediocre as well. (see: not necessarily BAD) And several "bad" cards wound up on that list. (often due to reasonably decent draft scoring). While the great cards were consistently scoring at +20 and up.
But before the main course, the Honorable Mentions:
Escrima Sticks
Easily weighing in as the worst 1 cost equipment in the game, It only missed the top ten cut due to its ACTUAL play-ability in draft.
J. Jonah Jameson
VS was originally a best-of-three format. If you were skilled enough to end the game with JJJ still face-up, your odds skyrocketed. When the best-of-3 was eliminated outside of finals, his utility went to virtually 0. However, as a 1/1 unaffiliated with essentially no text, he isn't the worst.
Now let's countdown the 10 that made the cut, My list, of the worst cards in VS.
Scoring in at -13 points The hopeful in you will argue its utility when it comes to negating equipment recruits. well argue on. At threshold 5 it is never going to do anything meaningful for you aside from a gem recruit, or perhaps a fate helm. I truly feel this card's threshold was misprinted on release and never corrected.
Happiness Home
Barely squeaking below 52, Happiness Home went to print a bit too thematic, as nobody in their right mind wanted to KO that much of their stuff for a sub-theme Darkseid's Elite has faltered in supporting from the start.
Deathstroke the Terminator
A lot of you were probably looking for him and here he is at 8, controlling two unaffiliated characters as a prerequisite to play him, murders his draft viability and is what pushed him far enough down to make the list.
S.T.A.R. Labs
Three resource points for a cosmic counter? Still one resource point on team superman? This card was actually printed AFTER we already saw Mother Box. Most of the time you want to replenish a cosmic isn't during the recruit phase anyway. #feelsbadman
Dangerous Experiment
Technically useful, but horrifyingly overcosted both in threshold and penalty. Dangerous experiment did find an extremely niche home in a few blind justice jank builds, but it remains to be pretty bad at it's job, granting sometimes horrifying endurance spike damage.
I personally feel this card is too low on the list. I HATE this card. However, technically it has a use, and early thresholds allow it early game playability, bad as it may be. A perfect -5 score in draft performance is rare, but Mekanix scored it like a champ.
Doom Triumphant
A perfect example of a win-more card. Utterly useless if you are behind, and argueably just as pointless while ahead, Doom triumphant's payoff is seldom worth it, as often, you'll do more damage simply swinging instead of exhausting.
Light Brigade
Haha! You guys forgot about the constructs didn't you? While some were technically useful, it was the fact you still took stun damage that turned most players away from these temporary-at best options. What a horrible topdeck! Who decided they had to be unaffiliated anyway? HORRIBLE.
KO everything you have, and then you can KO one thing your opponent controls! This only could be workable in any stretch if you did it before your build. NOPE. Combat phase only.
Only Cable/exiles RFP shenanigans or similar can sort-of survive its use, and even then, why aren't you playing... ANYTHING else? It drafts just as badly as in constructed. Gamma bomb was still legal in modern when this existed... so yeah... color me confused.
Dr. Tzin-Tzin
At -26 points, many of you saw this coming a mile away. Even a standard 4 drop would only need +1 ATK to just swing over him using this effect. Of course, pre-readied to take out your 3 drop next. No team theme helps him take any advantage of it, and he will often stun from standard 3 drops anyway. He remains to be a shining example of bad cards. Hail to the king!
And there we have it. Think I missed one? Curious what my rating system was? Let me know!
Until next time!
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