Sunday, March 20, 2022

Remix Dual Legends Event!

 Ah, yes, the Legend format. 

Take 12 cards referencing or names any particular character name or identity and swing for the fences! Even though Remix isn't yet 1 year along yet, we've decided to pull the trigger on a Dual Legend event! Meta be damned!

It's super MAN not super Kryptonian.

Our eight players opted for a fairly diverse meta. The most popular legends being the only two appearing more than once (Wolverine and Iron Man) while the rest go to some pretty odd places!

To view the decks simply click on the linked name below: (listed alphabetically)

Aaron Mead - Lexcorp Gardening

Andre Castillo - Burn Down the World

Ankit Kavi -  Juggerneto

Bruce Parrish - Iron Wolvie

Gio Velasco - Shadow Wolvie

Norman Halimsetiawan - Classic Fantastic

Walter Alvarado - The Iron Bat

Wesley Nichols - Dynamic Duo

Only 1 can go all the way, however! Who do you think it will be?

1- Aaron Mead - LexCorp Gardening

 Legends: Lex Luthor + Groot

3x Chemo, toxic waste
3x Riddler, riddle me this

4x Dr. Sivana, mad scientist
1x Charaxes, moth monster

4x Lex Luthor, injustice league
1x Poison Ivy, intoxicating

4x Groot, I am Groot
1x Bizarro, subject b-zero-injustice league

3x Black Manta, underwater marauder-injustice league

2x Lex Luthor, the superman-injustice league

2x Groot, We are Groot

4x Changing Hearts, team-up
2x Guardians, team-up
3x Combined Arms
4x Straight to the Grave
4x Flawless Strategy
2x Only Human
1x Flametrap

2x Slaughter Swamp

1x Mother Box, property of lex luthor
2x Exo-Groot Upgrade, Unique
1x Donny's Staff, Unique

The Good: Donny's Staff is LEGENDARY in this list. I am Groot!'s legend piece mitigating a major problem with Lex's Flawless Strategy plays is actually a massive boon to this list. completely removing stun damage makes for longer games, and easier justifications for larger Lex Luthors. A solid toolbox with answers to almost anything help compliment an all-comers approach to its playstyle while multiple access to search also serves to ensure a key equip is available if needed thanks to Lex's affinity for killing his pals.

The Bad: Even toolboxes can wiff solid search options and early game drops. should that happen here, it could spell a bad time for Lex focused plays.

The Ugly: 25% of the other lists have hard answers to equipment. This will force mother box and exo-groot upgrade plays to be very few and far between in viability.

2- Andre - Burn Down the World

 Legends: Talia + Ra's Al Ghul

4x Talia, Daughter of the Demon's Head

4x Ra's al Ghul, Global Conqueror
2x Mad Dog, Rabid

4x Talia, Heir Apparent
1x Bronze Tiger, Benjamin Tucker

4x Ra's al Ghul, Demon's Head Rising

4x David Cain, World Class Assassin

1x Talia, Leviathan

1x Ra's al Ghul, The Demon's Head

4x Demon's Fire
4x Demonfang
4x Heartless Assault
4x New and Improved
4x Mobilize

4x Mountain Stronghold, Non-Unique
2x Slaughter Swamp
4x Stryker's Island
4x Khadym
1x Satellite HQ

The Good: Hyper-synergistic legend options on a single team were a major part of the challenge of going dual legend. And League of Assassins delivers that in spades. Demonfang in real games always triggers a "What? Let me read that card." reaction, and can prove devastating against legends like Rocket Raccoon's Xarthian stun attempts. The new and Improved here is actually EPIC and i am eager to see it in action. Lastly, between Talia's legend support and David on six, expect this list to drop surprising burn totals harder than Uncle Frank's jock-itch after his trip to Saigon.

The Bad: The total abandonment of even a single copy of Lazarus Pit feels a bit odd here. Still, it could pay off with a veritable slew of location based pumps taking its place.

The Ugly: This list will have an extremely tough run into any Juggernaut legend swing But otherwise seems a solid, all-comers list.


3- Ankit Kavi - JuggerMags

 Legends: Juggernaut + Magneto

4x Scarlet Witch, Twin Sister

4x Quicksilver, Mercurial Speedster
4x Pyro, St. John Allerdyce

4x Juggernaut, Unstoppable
1x Rogue, Anna Raven

4x Magneto, Mutant Supreme
1x Sabretooth, Savage Killer

4x Juggernaut, walking disaster

2x Sentinel MK VII, Repurposed

2x Juggernaut, Weapon of Mass Destruction

4x Mobilize
4x Total Anarchy
4x Eviscerate
4x Flying Kick
4x Savage Beatdown
2x Betrayal
2x Iron Extraction

4x The Lost City

2x Juggernaut's Helmet, Unique

The Good: This deck has been a proven over-performing titan in every measurable metric. So tuning for a Dual-Legend format wasn't a big stretch at all. Only truly twisted people taking pleasure in auto-erotic asphyxiation would ever consider a list like this. A solid ability for stun-backs on both sides of initiative, a full suite of Total Anarchies belies a wanton fuck-your-couch aptitude for destruction the decked betrayals bring into the mix. Especially after a Juggernaut breakthrough team-up cleanse.
I need a shower looking at this list, because I know exactly where the bad man is going to touch me.

The Bad: As with all things, when a core component is a 3 drop with loyalty, the occasional wiffing of 1 and 2 will innately guarantee that mobilize wont help and an unplayable juggernaut 3. While not an often situation, it does exist. and it always sucks. A distinct lack of New and Improved here also seems a bit odd.

The Ugly: Zero hidden hate, forces Magneto's activated effect to be its only source of hidden area answers. Against certain lists this is easily mitigated, Total Anarchy, or not. Opting for eviscerate over Skreeeeeee! is a risky move. Time will show if it was a good call or not.

4- Bruce Parrish - Iron Wolvie

 Iron man + Wolverine legends

4x Black Panther Vibranium Vogue

3x Mr Fantastic Reed Richards

4x Iron Man Inventor
3x Wolverine Adamantium

4x Professor X Headmaster
4x Wolverine New Fantastic Four

4x Wolverine Secret Avenger

3x Iron Man Invincible

2x Wolverine Dependable Ally

1x Silver Surfer NorrinRadd

Plot Twists:
3x Savage Beatdown
1x Catastrophic Failure
3x Healing Factor
3x Berserker Rage
4x Im A Futurist
4x New and Improved
1x Gamma Bomb

1x Dual Sidearms
1x Nth Medal
2x BPRD Signal Device
4x Hulkbuster Armor

1x Birthing Chamber

The Good: I absolutely LOVE the double equipping potential possibilities of this list thanks to Black Panther. Double Hulkbuster armored Iron Man is one hell of a swinging dick!
The mind of newer players always entertains me in some pairings I'd possibly overlook, and they don't get much newer than Bruce. Possibly a veteran of... TWO games played so far? I am wicked pumped to see some new players giving remix a shot, and and hopeful he continues to jam games with us!

The Bad: The lack of a team-ups and lack of generic search could really hurt this deck's consistency.

The Ugly: New players may bring new ideas and concepts, however Gamma Bomb isn't likely to have an opportunity to be used here, and a fourth beatdown or some additional search options would have potentially served better in this deck.


5- Gio Velasco - Shadow Wolvie

 Legends: Shadowcat + Wolverine

4x Lockheed, Interdimensional Friend

4x Shadowcat, Kitty Pryde
3x Nightcrawler, Kurt Wagner

4x Colossus, Gentle Giant
3x Wolverine, Adamantium

2x Rogue, Power Absorbtion
4x Professor X, Headmaster

4x Wolverine, Secret Avenger

3x Colossus, Organic Steel

3x Wolverine, Dependable Ally

4x Flying Kick
4x Berserker Rage
4x Healing Factor
4x Mobilize
4x Phoenix Rising
4x X-Men United!

2x Worthington Industries, X-Corp

The Good: In a dual legend event, any deck that can take 2 legends and keep them on one team serves to save some solid deckspace as it won't need to add team-ups. The fact shadowcat is such an easy legend to run only serves to aid this deck run the recovery support engine a good Wolverine deck demands. An early X-Men United will go far in cleaning up wins.

The Bad: While going nuts with wolverine may be akin to a fat kid slowly rolling over a skinny kids face, this deck's lack of draw options can prove problematic should it miss Professor X on 4. It is an odd situation when a dual legend's key to consistency lies in neither legend, but here we are.

The Ugly: This deck runs all 3 versions of wolverine, but missed the high utility of New and Improved.


6- Norman Halimsetiawan - Classic Fantastic

 Legends: Mr. Fantastic + Invisible Woman

4x Mr. Fantastic, Reed Richards
2x Namorita, Atlantean Warrior Princess

4x Invisible Woman
2x Thing, Ben Grimm

3x Human Torch, Hotshot
2x Nathaniel Richards, Time Traveller

3x Thing, Heavy Hitter
2x Mr. Fantastic, Stretch
1x Red Shift, Rift Walker

1x Dr. Strange, Ally of the Four
1x Human Torch, Too Hot to Handle

1x Franklin Richards
1x Invisible Woman, Shield of the Four

1x Silver Surfer, Norrin Radd

1x Galactus. Devourer of Worlds

4x Family of Four
4x Force Field Projection
3x It's Clobberin Time!
3x The 100 Ideas
4x Mobilize
1x Only Human
4x Signal Flare

3x Four Freedoms Plaza

4x Fantasticar
1x Ultimate Nullifier, One Way trip

The Good: Fantastic Four is HYPER-SYNERGISTIC, possibly one of the easiest teams to run a dual-legend approach and not having it feel forced at all. This sneaky version takes advantage of a "Surprise Bitch!" endgame, promising a Galactus on 9 much the same way a steel-toed boot is promised to the crotch of the first boy my daughter brings home.

The Bad: With a reasonable investment into Four Freedoms Plaza, this deck can be somewhat mitigated with either bad draws, or some key early KOs. Anything that can interact with Invisible Woman's 3 drop incarnation can serve to severely hamper this lists utility and stall potential.

The Ugly: It is doubtful this list will ever see Nathaniel ever live the dream on the back on only 5 equipment, which may be just as well since a quarter of the decks in this event have solid anti-equipment approaches.

7- Walter Alvarado - The Iron Bat

Legends: Batman and Iron Man 

4x Alfred

4x Commissioner Gordon, James Gordon
1x Cassandra Cain

4x Iron Man, Inventor
4x Batman, Founding Member

4x Tim Drake - Robin, Hero reborn
1x Spoiler - Robin, Miss Brown

4x Batman, Justice's Shadow

4x Iron Man, Invincible

2x Azrael - Batman, Knightfall

4x The Hook-up, Team-Up
4x Bat-Signal
4x Avengers origins
4x From the Darkness
4x Flying Kick
4x Nasty Surprise

4x Hulkbuster Armor 

The Good: Walter's tempo list promises a few pretty cool things: Firstly, an iron man always swinging up the curve. Secondly, A frustrating pile of Plot Twist negation potential. Thirdly, he doubled down on Equipment hate. Against some other lists this could prove to be quite problematic. As Batman is known to enjoy some amount of curb-stomping in his heyday, I suspect we will see this list do exactly that at least a few times during this event.

The Bad: I am unsold on choosing 3 drop iron man over the dual affiliated 2. Although the hook-up can promise to get recently top-stacked equipment into the hand, a 2 drop swingng almost as hard as the 3 feels much more viable, and also opens up a secondary guardians team-up to take advantage of the pump he offers.

The Ugly: stacking 4 6 drops to make the dual legend work is a painful metric. At least this is lessened through team-up discards.

8 Wesley Nichols - Dynamic Duo

 Legends: Batman character and Robin identity

4x Alfred Pennyworth, Faithful Friend
2x Damian Wayne - Robin, Son of the Bat
2x Emiko Queen - Red Arrow, reformed assassin

2x Roundhouse, william wu
4x Dick Grayson - Robin, First Robin
1x Commissioner Gordon, James Gordon

2x Damien Wayne - Robin, rebirth
4x Batman, Founding Member
1x Kid Flash, Wally West II, rebirth

2x Tim Drake - Robin, Hero Reborn
1x Roy Harper - Arsenal, maximum firepower

2x Batman, Justice's Shadow
2x Jackson Hyde - Aqualad, rebirth

1x Kate Kane - Batwoman, Protector of the Innocent
1x Goliath, furry dragon bat, rebirth

1x Damien Wayne - Robin, team leader, rebirth
1x Azrael - Batman, Knightfall

4x Teen Titans Go!
4x Bat-Signal
4x The Newest Teen Titans, Team-Up
1x The Hook-Up, Team-Up
3x Ultimate Sidekicks
3x From the Darkness

4x USS Argus
3x GCPD Headquarters

1x T-Jet, unique

What's good: Wes took a solid Teen Titans roster and flexxed into a really easy to hit Robin legend rather than chasing Damien Wayne support. Ultimate Sidekicks seeks to be an overachieving offensive tool while Batman does stuff in the shadows and drops an occasional from the darkness or three. My absolute fave interaction here is GCPD HQ and the Kid flash interaction, where an opponent allows a legal attack to suddenly be a fatal one on a stun. Toss in some Teen Titans Go's and this list promises to do bad, bad prison related abuses of a fresh anus.

What's bad: Any early wiff of alfred certainly won't help it. Similarly, any list that can hurt it's team-up options will certainly slow it's mid to late game progression. Total anarchy lives up to its name here as well.

What's Ugly: at only 5 team-ups expect alfred to often be forced into fetching one on his first activation rather than other set-up pieces. If that's the mentality here,  leaving it at a playset of the teen titan stamped one for Roy Harper support could have allowed a fourth from the darkness or something.