- Brian Foley
Characters - 30
1x Boris, Personal Servant of Dr. Doom
6x Robot Sentry, Army
2x Gypsy, Illusionary Operative
4x Batman, Founding Member
2x Dr. Doom, Richards’s Rival
4x Dr. Doom, Diabolic Genius
1x Wonder Woman, Ambassador of Peace
3x Superman, Metropolis Marvel
1x Kristoff Von Doom, Pretender to the Throne
2x Dreadnought Tank, Arsenal of Doom
1x Aquaman, Lord of Atlantis
1x Aquaman, King of the Seven Seas
1x Wonder Woman, Founding Member
1x Dr. Doom, Latverian Monarch
Plot Twists - 27
2x For the Glory of Doom!, Team-Up
4x Forbidden Loyalties, Team-Up
4x Mightiest Heroes
4x Enemy of My Enemy
4x Savage Beatdown
3x Mystical Paralysis
3x Reign of Terror
3x Indestructible
Locations - 3
3x Doomstadt
There's only one copy of the 1 drop Boris, because unless you get an opening hand of Boris and Doomstadt, you probably aren't going to get his effect. He's here mainly for use on a later turn.
Turn 2 will ideally be Robot Sentry. If you are on your preferred even initiatives, you will be attacking with him on 2 and defending on 3. If all goes well, you will have Batman and a team-up on 3, and so he will be able to exhaust the opposing 2 drop on turn 3, limiting the amount of damage you will take on that turn. Best case, their 3 stuns your 2, and your 3 (who is hidden) stuns theirs. Gypsy is a good card for optimizing your next draw, but the plan is to recruit Robot Sentry initially, and use him to negate one or more potential attacks, and then sub in Gypsy later.
When following The Plan, the play on 3 is Batman. His effect is really good against decks that depend on certain locations or ongoing plot twists, but this deck rarely has many discards to spare, so the effect has to be used wisely--to nuke something really important like a New Brotherhood or Rock of Eternity, for example. Doom 3 is a really good play in most decks, and he's not bad here, but then you need to go with Wonder Woman on 4. If you have him in hand and don't have Doom 4, though, then it's a good play to recruit Doom and search for Enemy of My Enemy, then use it to get Wonder Woman on 4.
The downside to that approach is that you then lose any hope of playing Reign of Terror on 4, which is what you really want. Doom on 3, Wonder Woman on 4 is good. Batman on 3, Doom on 4 is better. A third alternative is to play Doom 3 and Boris. That is a really good play against weenie decks, especially if you already have one Reign of Terror in hand. Recruit Boris first, then Doom 3. When Doom's effect goes on the chain, activate Boris to go grab a second Reign. Then use Doom to search for Mystical Paralysis or something else you will need later. Before combat begins, you can double Reign to obliterate their field. If you're defending, let them declare an attack and waste a pump, then Reign.
In the more typical case, though, the play on 4 is the Diabolic Genius. If you are on odds, a good play is to let Doom's recruit go on the chain, play Mystical Paralysis from your row to exhaust their 4 drop, then flip it back down for reuse later, hopefully on 6. Otherwise, I like to play a tutor to get my 5 or my 6 before recruiting, then flip it back down with Doom's effect.
The best play on 5 is Superman, but there's one little catch here, in that he has loyalty. If you aren't teamed up and you lost Batman, that's a problem, and that's why there's a single copy of Kristoff in the deck instead of a fourth copy of Superman. Kristoff has great synergy with Doom 4--together they can really throw a monkey wrench into an opponent's plans, But if you have a copy of Indestructible, the better play is generally Superman. Between Reign of Terror, Mystical Paralysis, and Indestructible, the deck has lots of ways to limit the opponent's ability to inflict damage, and to keep your field intact. With decent draws, it will be very hard for an opponent to win quickly, and this deck is design to win late.
Turn 6 is not a strength for this deck, unless you are playing against an off-curve deck, in which case it becomes a strength. Dreadnought Tank is the character version of Reign of Terror. Against curve decks, he's just a guy. The best Doom card at this drop would be the MOR Dr. Doom or the MVL one, but normally you still have your 4 drop Doom on 6. The 6 drop Aquaman is very good--he gets a character and a plot twist back from the KO'd pile when he comes into play--but I like the 7 drop better. So the usual play on 6 is the Tank.
The preferred play on 7 is generally Aquaman. He can usually get back two to three cards from the pile on each turn. A tutor, a Mystical Paralysis, Savage Beatdown--there are several good possibilities, although it depends on what initiative you have and what your field looks like. If you are attacking on 7, Wonder Woman can be excellent, as your opponent can't play plot twists or use payment powers during your attack step. When I tested this deck against Good Guys, I dragged things out to turn 7, where Wonder Woman was the MVP. No Cover Fire DEF boosts. No Magnificent Seven power-ups. No BWA HA HA! No John Henry Irons hijinks.
Against most decks, Doom 8 is an awesome finisher. Suppose you and your opponent both have 6-8 on turn 8. Team with your 6 and 7 into their biggest guy. Make a safe attack into their 6 with Doom. Then KO someone who got stunned and ready everyone else. Even if it is their init, you can Mystical Paralysis the opposing 8 drop, and potentially get a big attack of your own in when your opponent is done, if they can't get through Doom's defenses.
The only location is Doomstadt, who gives your Dr. Dooms +3 DEF. That's really good on both offense and defense. Doomstadt also enables the effects of Boris, Kristoff and the Tank when Dr. Doom is not on the field. I wanted to play some other one-of locations like Stryker's Island and Latveria, and search for them with New Era, but there's no room for that in the deck.
When I saw which teams I got, my first thought was that I had really lucked out in terms of tutors. Most of the other decks in the contest will be completely dependent on Enemy of My Enemy, but I get to have Mightiest Heroes as well. It's not quite as good here as it is in my Trinity deck, where Barbara Gordon and Hook-Up give you a way to draw a card off the top of your deck, but as long as you plan ahead and use Heroes on the turn before you need the character, you're good.
The two team-ups are For the Glory of Doom! and Forbidden Loyalties. Glory seems like it would be the better card, but this deck does such a good job of maintaining its field in the middle turns that you rarely want to KO someone for the burn damage. Forbidden Loyalties is one of my two favorite generic team-ups, along with 31st Century Metropolis. If you have a card to spare, you can discard it to put a +1/+1 counter on someone.
The key plot twists are of course the ones I keep talking about: Reign of Terror, Mystical Paralysis, and Indestructible. These are the cards that make the deck hard to beat. The only other plot twist is Savage Beatdown, everyone's favorite attack pump. It would be nice to have room for Flying Kick or Trouble with Dinosaurs, to give the deck a little more firepower, but there just isn't. If I had room for another plot twist, I'd probably play a fourth copy of Mystical Paralysis.
One issue with this deck is that there is no obvious mulligan condition for it. In my testing, I have generally kept any hand that gave me a play on 2 and 3 or 3 and 4, and rejecting any hand that didn't. But I would also probably keep a hand with Doom 4, Reign and a 2 drop. With decks like this, I also tend to adjust my mulligan condition if I know what my opponent is playing. If they are playing curve, I'm OK with missing my 2. If they are playing off-curve, I'm less likely to throw out a hand that contained a 2 drop.
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