With the completion of the first 8 games we've seen blowouts, close calls and some underdog wins.
Check out the bracket BY CLICKING HERE!
And without further adieu, you're breakdowns from the Smackdown!
Match 1A
Legion of Earth's Mightiest Heroes Seemed to be garnering a surprising
amount of attention and was heavily favored to win, but alas! Hodge
Podge managed a clutch survival in round six, hanging on with a single
endurance point to close out the upset!
Legion of Earths Mightiest Heroes -10 - Hodge Podge 1
Match 1B
It wasn't really close for Coat Checked, as Admiral Wolverine Lightning
bolt did his best impression of a standard AGL rush and closed out the
game by turn 5.
Coat Checked -2 - Admiral Wolverine Lightning bolt 22
Match 1C
Master Man of Steel made all those selecting favorites extremely happy
with a manhandling of Weapon K. Style points awarded for never actually
having played Master man the entire game!
Master Man of Steel 17 - Weapon K -3
Match 1D
Just say No was quickly gaining ground as a runaway favorite to go all
the way. The teams served a great synergy and the control present in the
build just seemed too good to be true. However, in the biggest upset of
the week we saw them fall to Secret Six Burial Grounds. With Poison Ivy
overloading the hidden area with miniature threats, it proved too much
for the stall tactica present in Just Say No. In the end, the Path of
destruction + chemo combo always allowed a hidden low drop to threaten
some surprise damage WAY up the curve. WAY WAY up the curve! Like a
Turn 7 Black Manta swinging with 27 up the curve!
Secret Six Burial Grounds 7 - Just Say No -> -17
Match 1E
Justice Supreme just bullied the Assassins to overcome a back-and-forth game with a really solid final initiative on turn 6.
Assassins Creed -10 - Justice Supreme 12
Match 1F
a single card could be identified as the key to the stall-o-riffic
matchup of GLMK stall and league of Doom, it would be Savage Beatdown.
Even with a double Reign of Terror on 4 effectively wiping GLMK's board
excepting the 4 drop, the late game was secured through favorable stuns
and beatdowns that kept coming back thanks to aquaman on turn 6 and 7.
In the end, this wasn't even close.
GLMK Stall -1 - League of Doom 31
Match 1G
The first game we played that required a rules review on a particular
card interaction, Gods Gone Wild, managed to stay afloat to land a
decisive win over the favorited Eh?Pokalypse with some amazing curcular play by Josh, managing to not allow a single draw to Darkseid 4's effect.
Eh?Pokalypse -14 - Gods Gone Wild 0
Match 1H
Ultimate Fear ran away in this one as JS piloted the match favorite on
his way to victory in a decisive win on turn 6 with the highest
remaining endurance total among all the games playes in round 1-A!
Society of Inmates -8 - Ultimate Fear 35
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