Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Match 1D - Secret Six Burial Grounds VS Just Say No

Secret Six Burial Grounds
- Mark
  Just Say No
- Lee

Mark wins the toss and elects to take Odds.

        TURN 1 (Mark Initiative)

(Both Players draw 2 cards)


Mark sets a resource, recruits Chemo, flips Hidden HQ and activates it's effect, sending a Black Manta to the KO pile.

Lee Sets a card and recruits Aunt May netting himself a Spider-Man,TSM.


Chemo stuns aunt may.


Lee opts to recover Aunt May.

    Secret Six Burial Grounds -> 50   Just Say No -> 49

        TURN 2 (Lee Initiative)

(Both Players draw 2 cards)


Lee sets a resource and recruits Black Cat, forming her in front of aunt may.

Mark activates Hidden Hq, sending a Deadshot into the KO pile. then setting a card and recruiting Deadshot in the hidden area behind Chemo.


Lee attacks direct with black cat.

Mark attacks for a mutual stun on black cat with deadshot, and stuns aunt may with chemo. Then he plays forced conscription from the row (sending a Chemo, Dr. Polaris and path of destruction to the KO pile) returning Black Manta to his hand.


Mark recovers Deadshot.
Lee recovers Black Cat and aunt may is KO'd.

    Secret Six Burial Grounds -> 46   Just Say No -> 46

        TURN 3 (Mark Initiative)

(Both Players draw 2 cards)

Mark chains Hidden HQ to the draw, sending Scandal to the KO pile.


Mark sets a resource and recruits Poison ivy in the front row.

Lee sets a resource and recruits Alfred behind Black Cat, flipping up Stark Tower to team-up Gotham Knights and Spider-friends before playing a bat-signal exhausting black cat to fetch Spider-man, secret avenger.


Poison Ivy brings a second Chemo into play in the hidden front row.

Mark attacks with poison Ivy into Black Cat. she evades resetting the attack. He then sends a chemo into alfred. Stunning him. Then ivy, chemo and Deadshot each attack direct.


Lee Recovers Alfred. Black cat auto-recovers from evasion.

    Secret Six Burial Grounds -> 46   Just Say No -> 35

        TURN 4 (Lee Initiative)

(Both Players draw 2 cards)

Mark Chains Hidden HQ to the draw, sending a Chemo to the KO pile.


Lee sets a resource and recruits Spider-man, TSS protecting Alfred and adjacent to Black Cat.

Mark sets a resource abd plays straight to the grave from his hand, sending Dr. Sivana and a path of destruction to the KO pile before flipping up and activating slaughter Swamp, discarding Black Manta for Dr. Sivana. He then recruits Dr. Sivana  to the hidden area in the front row and then recruits a Dr. Polaris in the hidden aread behind Sivana.


Poison Ivy puts a Dr. Polaris into the hidden support row behind a chemo.

Lee sends Spider-man over Poison Ivy, stunning her. Black cat attacks Direct.

Mark sends Deadshot into black cat. Lee evades her. Then mark sens a dr. polaris into alfred. mark allows the mutual stun. Dr. sivana activates discarding a poison ivy to let mark draw a card.


Mark recovers Poison Ivy, KOing Dr. polaris.
Lee recovers Alfred. Black cat auto recovers.

    Secret Six Burial Grounds -> 37   Just Say No -> 32

        TURN 5 (Mark Initiative)

(Both Players draw 2 cards)

Mark Chains Hidden HQ to the draw sending Ragdoll to the KO pile.


Mark activates Dr. Sivana discarding chemo to draw. He then sets a resource, playing a forced conscription from the row (sending a hidden HQ, master plan and Scandal to the KO pile) returning Black Manta to the hand.
Mark activates Slaughter swamp, discarding a poison Ivy to put Scandal into his hand. He then recruits Black Manta behind Ivy, readying Slaughter Swamp.
removing Scandal from the game, mark fetches a day unlike any other.

Lee sets a resource, reveals scarlet spider for non-uniqueness and recruits Spider-man, secret avenger protecting Alfred. Moving TSS spider-man behind black cat. Secret avenger spider discards a barbara gordon targetting Poison Ivy with his effect.


Poison Ivy declares into Black Cat. the attack is never legal as TSS spider-man exhausts her paying 7 ATK. Undaunted, Mark sends Dr. Polaris into alfred, who activates searching for gift-wrapped, resetting the attack. Deadshot attacks black cat who evades.
Then Mark sends deadshot into the 4 drop spider-man. the attack is legal. mark acivates Black manta spending 3 endurance to put Path of destruction into his hand, playing it for 7 atk. Lee either opts to not power-up or has none, allowing the 4 drop to stun. Then Black Manta, polaris and two chemos declare a team attack into Secret Avenger but is gift-wrapped instead. both players pass.


Lee Recovers TSS spidey and Black Cat auto recovers.

    Secret Six Burial Grounds -> 34   Just Say No -> 26

        TURN 6 (Lee Initiative)

(Both Players draw 2 cards)

Mark Chains Hidden HQ to the draw, sending a hidden HQ to the KO pile.


Lee sets a resource and recruits Two-face, heads or tails.

Mark sets a resource and plays A day unlike any other, finally teaming up Secret 6 and Secret Society. Black Manta pays 3 to put Straight to the grave into Mark's hand, playing it to send Black Manta and path of destruction to the KO pile.
mark then activates slaughter swamp, discarding Catman to put Scandal into his hand. recruiting her behind poison ivy with Manta adjacent her, and readying slaughter swamp.

Le activates Spiderman, Secret Avenger's effect, discarding Night thrasher to target Ivy.


Lee attacks ivy with Spider-man TSS stunning her before paying 7ATK to exhaust Deadshot. Scandal reinforces.
Then Two-face attacks Scandal for a mutual stun.
Secret avenger spidey then swings on black manta, once legal, mark activates slaughter swamp, discarding catman for a black manta and powers up.
Lee responds playing enemy of my enemy, discarding Alfred to fetch zombie spider-man powering up the Secret Avenger. Black manta pays 3 endurance to power up again.
lee checks his row. Does some math, decides it isn't worth it. and passes. Spider-man stuns.

mark Swings Dr. Sivana into black cat. Lee opts not to evade and takes the stun.

Black Manta swings over Spider-man,TSS for 2 breakthrough and chemo, chemo and polaris deal 3 more.


Lee recovers Two-face. everything else KO's.
Mark recovers Scandal, finally letting Ivy KO. Taking a moment of silence for her sacrifice.

    Secret Six Burial Grounds -> 18   Just Say No -> 4

        TURN 7 (Mark Initiative)

(Both Players draw 2 cards)

Mark chains Hidden Hq to the draw sending Poison Ivy to the KO pile.


Mark activates Black Manta, placing path of destruction into his hand. He then sets a resource and plays Straight to the grave from his hand sending Dr. Sivana and path of destruction to the KO pile. Activating Slaughter Swamp, Mark puts Black manta into his hand. (Discarding Catman)
He then plays Clash of worlds, calling Black Manta and recruits his second Manta protected by his first.

Lee sets and plays enemy of my enemy, discarding Barbara Gordon to put stark's protege into his hand. he recruits it in the frint row protecting Two-Face.


scandal and Black Manta declare a team-attack into Spider-man. he plays a gift-wrapped from the row before it is legal, exhausting the Scandal and a Dr. Polaris.
Mark then declares the two black manta's into Spider-man, but before legal he pays 9 ATK to exhaust the support row Manta.
Dr. Polaris activates forcing Lee to exhaust a character. He chains Two-face;s effect to exhaust Deadshot.
The remaining black manta declares an attack into spider-man. Once legal, mark Plays Path of destruction from his resource row and chains chemo's effect to it's activation, Replacing it. This allows the effect to resolve counting all 4 Paths to its effect for +10ATK. The effect resolves. leaving a 19 ATK attacking black manta! Opting not to pass Mark activates the effect on the second Black manta, putting a path of destruction into Mark's hand playing it for another +8ATK.

Black manta deals 11 breakthrough on the mutual stun and the game is over.

    Secret Six Burial Grounds -> 7   Just Say No -> -17

        Secret Six Burial Grounds Advance!


Lee Thoughts:
"After having apprised myself of the lists i wasn't expecting to see the second Black Manta on 7. it really removed the utility i wanted to get out of two-face. All game i kept wondering why he was throwing away his pumps... now i know why!"

Mark Thoughts:
"I was a bit paranoid bad press and Black Cat would really hurt me this game, but bad press never showed up. And i was able to do some early game plot twist play around Black Cat's evasions. I have to say, I really don't like the team-up in this deck. there were several turns i could have recruited out of Lee's KO pile, but if i had done that, i'd never have been able to flip my team-up at all!"

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